Monday, May 1, 2017

Print show picture ideas

Image #1: person
type of paper: regular
why i chose it: I chose this image because i really like how it turned out with the black and white and i also like the way the reflection came out with the two random hands holding the mirror.

image #2: place
type of paper: metallic
why I chose it: I chose this image because I love going to south congress and i am really proud of this image  I know it is a very common image, but I feel like the way i edited it makes it stand out

Image #3: thing
type of paper: Metallic
Why I chose it: I chose this last image because i really like how it turned out and it took me a really long time to get the camera to focus on just the flower, so I think the hard work pays off

Monday, April 17, 2017

Open studio shoot idea: magnifying glass

shoot theme: Magnifying glasses
model: Olivia Hanna
equipment: magnifying glass and my camera
shoot date: Thursday 4/27 after school